Why Romania ?
Market & Location Advantages
• One of the largest markets in Central and Eastern Europe (ranking 7th in EU , with over 18 million inhabitants);
• European Union unique market gateway (access to approximately 500 million consumers);
• Attractive location: situated at the turning point between EU, the Balkans and CIS countries, Romania is crossed by three important pan-European transportation corridors: corridor no. IV linking Western and Eastern Europe, corridor no. IX connecting Northern and Southern Europe and no. VII – Danube River, facilitating inland water transportation, at the same time connecting the Romanian Port of Constanta (the biggest Port to the Black Sea) to Northern Europe, through the Rhine.
Other Advantages
• Highly skilled labor force at competitive prices (solid knowledge in foreign languages, technology, IT, engineering etc.)
• Stability factor in the Area:
– NATO membership;
– Stability Guarantee in South Eastern Europe;
– EU membership.
• Free trade agreements with EU, EFTA countries, CEFTA countries
• State aid schemes for encouraging investors to take upon Romania and non-reimbursable financing through EU Programs.
• Sound fiscal policy (16% flat tax).